DCC website


OPEN DAYS AND WEEKENDS 26th to 27th April 2025

In spring 2025, we will visit Engine Vein. The autumn Open Weekend in 2025 will probably be at Wood Mine.

Demonstration of rock drilling

We have found that not all members of the public can or want to make prior arrangements for a trip. To meet their needs, we hold Open Days or Weekends twice a year when trips can be booked and visitors who have not booked may be taken down subject to leaders being available and there being time between planned trips to add additional ones. To make the trip easier and to add to the special nature of the Open Weekends, parts of the mine are floodlit and a circular tour is arranged.  If you are however interested in arranging your own visit, please go to our page on visiting the mines at other times.  Bookings can be made until 25/04/2025 at 1000.  

Please note that there are charges for admission (see below).

Pete casting a copper spearhead

booking form  |  space available  |  reservations  |  map of location  |  other information  |  charges  |  photos and feedback

Since 2001, we have included displays and demonstrations of the Club's activities.  The pictures show (upper left) casting copper, (right) a led trip in Wood Mine and (lower left) the displays in Church Quarry during an Open Weekend.  (Click on the pictures for enlargements.)

A led trip into Wood Mine Displays in Church QuarryAt various times, we have displayed surveying work, history and chemistry of metal extraction, tool making, practical demonstration of rock drilling, smelting, cave radio and cave rescue. 

We also organise trips further into the mine for those interested and  provide information about surface walks for those who do not want to venture below ground. 

The "caving" members of the Club were also involved giving demonstrations of rope and ladder work as well as talking to visitors about joining the Club.  

The dates of the next Open Days are 26th to 27th April 2025
and venue is Engine Vein Mine

There are 147 spaces available: click HERE to see the current availability of space

Reserving a ticket

As usual these days, timed tickets will be issued according to the number of leaders available at any one time.  Timed tickets will be available for booking before the Open Weekend.  We may be able to offer trips for people turning up on the day but since we have reduced the size of each group taken down the mine, places are much more limited and you might be disappointed.  To book timed tickets on-line (up to 25/04/2025 at 1000 or until all slots are full) click on the link in the box below. 

More information

map There are charges for admission.  For more information, send an e-mail to the Open Days organisers or download our FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).  Please be patient and allow at least a week to hear back from us if you send an enquiry or e-mail.

poster Open Days usually start at about 10 am and end at about 5 pm (last admission 4 pm). Besides being an opportunity to take members of the public around the mines, Open Days have developed into social events for the Club members.  The Open Days have proved in the past to be a good time for anyone interested in joining the Club to get to know many of the active Club members.

If you are planning to visit on an Open Weekend, you do not need to bring any special equipment but you should wear reasonable footwear and clothes which are NOT NEW as they may get a bit sandy or muddy.  There are steps and, for some trips, a ladder that has to be climbed so you may be well advised to contact us in advance if you have limited mobility or special needs so that we can adapt the trip to suit your requirements.

Click on the links to read or download promotional material about the Open Weekend. There is a full A4 colour poster and a black and white A4 version that can be made into three leaflets.   The map shows how to get to the mine. This map is also available on a separate page suitable for mobile phones.

Demonstrating rope climbing techniques in Engine Vein The club has Open Days in April and September. When the date is fixed, the next Open Weekend will be publicised on this site and at the Information Centre behind the Wizard. The April Open Days are usually on the last weekend in April before the Bank Holiday, depending on Easter, and the September weekend is the first weekend in September. However, these dates cannot be guaranteed and you are urged to check this page before setting off specially to visit the mines.

ChargesAndy handing out lights at the entrance to Wood Mine

A charge is made for the led trips on Open Days in order to cover the cost of insurance and organisation of the event.  Children are welcome but they must be in the company of a parent or legal guardian.  The caving club is not licensed under the Adventure Activity Licensing Regulations 2004 but payment is required for children (5 to 15 years) as the event is a demonstration of the Club's activities.  For more information about the regulations and their impact on clubs such as ours, look at the page about legal issues or feel free to e-mail to the Club.

The current prices for Open Day visits are:
- Adults: £8
- Seniors (65+): £6
- Children: £4
- Family (1 full adult + 2 children): £14
- Family (2 full adults + 2 children): £22

For information about parking, refreshments, etc. have a look at our page about the facilities on the site.

Photos and feedback

We have published an assortment of photographs from previous Open Days.

There is some feedback from previous Open Days on another page.