DCC website



Here are some useful caving and Alderley links. The link in the right hand column will open the other site in this window, replacing the DCC page.  If you have JavaScript enabled on your browser, the link in the left hand column will open in a new page.



The National Trust - lessors of the mines to the Club.  https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/cheshire-greater-manchester/alderley-edge-and-cheshire-countryside
The National Trust - archaeological home page  https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/our-cause/history-heritage/archaeology
Manchester Museum - previously with information about the AELP but nothing now about the project!  https://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/
AELPHER - the Alderley Edge teaching resource arising from the Alderley Edge Landscape Project.  http://web.archive.org/web/20120419070628/http://www.alderleyedge.manchester.museum//
Alan Garner and his books - Alan is the author of two books linked with the Alderley Edge legend.  http://alangarner.atspace.org/
Revealing Cheshire's Past , the Cheshire County Council on-line database  http://www.cheshirearchaeology.org.uk/?page_id=160
BBC 360 degree view from Stormy Point   http://www.bbc.co.uk/manchester/interactive/360/alderley_edge.shtml
Natural England - links to a range of outdoor issues  https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/natural-england
About SSSIs   http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/conservation/designations/sssi/default.aspx
Alderley Edge SSSI   https://designatedsites.naturalengland.org.uk/SiteDetail.aspx?SiteCode=S1001677&SiteName=alderley%20edge
About RIGS - Regionally important geological and geomorphological sites  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regionally_important_geological_site
About Scheduled Ancient Monuments - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport  https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-digital-culture-media-sport
About Scheduled Ancient Monuments - Historic England  https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/what-is-designation/scheduled-monuments/
Cheshire Historic Environment Records (HER) - listing historical sites in Cheshire  http://www.cheshirearchaeology.org.uk/?page_id=152
Adventure Activities Licensing - controlling bodies who provide adventure activities to children  https://www.hse.gov.uk/aala/
Alderley Edge community website   https://www.alderleyedge.com/


BCRA website - the British Cave Research Association is the scientific arm of caving (speleology) and is closely linked to the BCA.  http://www.bcra.org.uk
The BCA - the British Caving Association is the lead body for caving in the UK.  Amongst other tasks, it manages third party insurance for cavers.  https://british-caving.org.uk/
Descent - the caving magazine (new site from 2023)  https://www.descentmagazine.co.uk/
Wild Places - former publishers of Descent - publisher  https://www.wildplaces.co.uk
Bradford Pothole Club - another caving club with friendship links with the DCC)  http://www.bpc-cave.org.uk
Matienzo expedition - an excellent website covering the 50+ years of cave exploration in this one valley in northern Spain.  http://www.matienzocaves.org.uk/page1.htm
Caves and caving in the UK   http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/~arb/speleo.html
Peak District caving   http://www.peakdistrictcaving.info/
Derbyshire Cave Rescue Organisation   http://www.derbyshirecro.org.uk/
Starless River - mobile caving equipment shop  https://www.starlessriver.com
Bernies - caving equipment shop and cafe in Yorkshire.  http://www.berniescafe.co.uk
Inglesport - caving equipment shop and cafe in Yorkshire.  http://www.inglesport.co.uk
Caving Supplies - caving equipment shop in Derbyshire.  http://www.caving-supplies.co.uk


Mining sites generally - IA Recordings produce videos of mining sites.  http://www.iarecordings.org/otheria.html
Moore Books - on-line mining bookshop  https://www.moorebooks.co.uk
AditNow - forum for mine explorers  https://www.aditnow.co.uk
Northern Mine Research Society - a Yorkshire, Cumbria and Durham based society with a reputation for high quality research and publication.  http://www.nmrs.co.uk
Mines of the Isle of Man   https://www.facebook.com/LaxeyMinesResearchGroup
Subterranea Britannica (details of non-cave sites, nuclear bunkers, etc.)  http://www.subbrit.org.uk
NAMHO - the National Association of Mining History Organisations that represents the mining clubs and societies as well as some commercial organisations with similar interests.  https://www.namho.org
British Mining Database   http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~lizcolin/bmd.htm
Mining History Network  - an email network of mining historians.  http://www.people.ex.ac.uk/pfclaugh/mhinf/contents.htm
Mine Explorer site - mostly North Wales sites with descriptions and trip reports.  http://www.mineexplorer.org.uk
Parys Mountain, Ynys Môn - a predominantly copper mining area in North Wales where Charles Roe also worked.  http://www.parysmountain.co.uk
Peak District Mines Historical Society (PDMHS) - a Peak District (mainly Derbyshire and Staffordshire) based society with a reputation for high quality research and publication.  http://www.pdmhs.com
The Health and Safety Executive - guidance and legislation concerning mining  http://www.hse.gov.uk/mining/


DEFRA - Department for Environment Food Rural Affairs  https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs
Bats - general advice  https://www.bats.org.uk/
Peak District and Cheshire tourist information   http://www.visitpeakdistrict.com/see-and-do/
Countryside and Rights of Way - government advice  https://www.gov.uk/guidance/open-access-land-management-rights-and-responsibilities
Safeguarding Pupils - government advice  https://www.gov.uk/education/safeguarding-pupils
Protection of Children Act - Working Together to Safeguard Children  https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/942454/Working_together_to_safeguard_children_inter_agency_guidance.pdf
Stockport Heritage Trust   http://stockporttrust.blogspot.com/
The author's site   http://www.dibben.org.uk

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