DCC website



The DCC was formed at the very end of 1960 out of part of the Orpheus Caving Club.  The OCC had been divided into a northern and a southern group about two years previously  and both parts called themselves the Orpheus during that period.  This caused some confusion and it was decided to formally refer to the Northern section as the Derbyshire Caving Club at a meeting between the two groups in December 1960. 

The first formal meeting of the DCC was probably the AGM on 6th May 1961 but the Club had already published a newsletter (No 1) so it is probably reasonable to say that the Club was formed in 1960.  So we celebrated the 50th year of the Club in 2010.

New Mills carnival 1974Various ideas were considered but in the end, the main celebration was the Annual Dinner in November.  Enamel anniversary badges were given to everyone who attended.  A journal may appear in 2011 recording the Club's activities over the last 50 years. 

Remaking Wood Mine entrance 1961The year also saw a number of caving trips take place encouraged by Tony and Allan.  These are recorded elsewhere in this site including eighteen down Peak Cavern in February and about a dozen down Giants the day after the dinner.

(The picture to the left is one of the Carnivals that the DCC took part in and the picture below is the remaking of Wood Mine entrance in 1960.)

A stand was set up at Hidden Earth and although it was  not good enough for a prize, it attracted some attention.

Sue did a great job organising the dinner and surprised everyone when she produced a scrap book for comments containing letters from the Prime Minister's office, the Stockport MP, Prince Charles and the Queen congratulating the Club on its reaching 50 years!

As someone said, we may not all be around for the centenary but at least the Golden Anniversary was something to look back on with fond memories.