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Chair squeezingdownload this image download     

Album: Matienzo 2014
Owner: Nigel Dibben
Date: August 2014

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Title: Chair squeezing

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Photo owner: Nigel Dibben
File: IMD_1127_w_A076.jpg

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Campsite and barsThe team on the campsiteMeal at Bar Tomas
Meal at Bar TomasLauren looking a bit fish-eyedJuan reads about events in Solorzano
Another bar sceneThe Ason gorgeThe Ason gorge
From the campsiteMountain scene in the eveningTom
Wildlife on the campsiteExpedition dinner in Pablo'sPablo takes instruction from Purdie on using an SLR
Noella - smilingPablo - smiling too!Chair squeezing
Chair squeezingTable traversingMore wildlife on the campsite
Riocueva upstream explorationEntrance shaftLow section after joining the stream
At the streamSteve demonstrating his wetsuit Ali coming through the duck
Ali reacting to the duckSurveying in the duck areaSurveying
James emerges with tapeUpstream crawly passageReñada
Robin on the rope climbBill restingTeam picture in Stuffed Monk
Joel setting up a photograph ...... stillLauren admires the Stuffed Monk
HelictitesDecorated passageA formation like a chocolate fountain
Cleaning off near the entranceSelfie with Joel doing a diveTrip to Cueva de Vaca
Changing for Vaca (before the lorry arrived)Entrance shaftPurdie and Tom
FormationsTomJoel at some of the taped-off formations
Lauren on the ladderRobin on the second pitchJoel in the sump/duck
Purdie and LaurenTypical dry passage in first sectionRobin traversing in the rift
Formations in a side passageReturn to RiocuevaUpper passage end
Lauren emerges from low crawl into new trerritoryStill emergingHairy climb into upper passage
Ladder in placeUpper passagesSam emerges from downstream
Oxbow in streamwayRiscoFormations in a recently found remote part of Risco
Standard costume for photographing the delicate formationsCrystal poolPaul photographing
GrottoPaul photographingHelictites
GrottoWhite flowstone surrounding stalsHelictites again
Tom (standing on a bag to protect the flowstone)White flowstone surrounding stalsMore ...
Unusual stalagmiteStal in a crystal poolFootleg filming in 3-D
More stalCurtainsCurtains
Curtains backlitJivero 2Downstream entrance
Classic key-hole passage shapeCharlotte modelling with back-lightingPete poses (why?) in streamway
Paul giving scale to picture of a spiderSpider (and its discarded skin)Crayfish (European)
Upstream entranceBigMat Calf Hole digAt the dig
Doug working on the spoil heapLiz helping Pete to raise buckets... doing most of the work?
... and cutting scaf barsWhat shall we do now?Down to the Euro-media bar
It was this easyCueva CoventosaSign giving a tackle list and grade of severity
On the way to the caveLooking out of the entranceCharlotte demonstrating the draught in Coventosa
Bill admiring stal in CoventosaMore stal in CoventosaAnd more
And moreCharlotte doing close-up photographyTeam picture
On the way outThe Udias zinc mineWalk in to the mines
General view of the areaAli at the adit entranceInside the main adit
Natural in the main aditThe concrete internal headframeThe engine bed for the concrete internal headframe
The concrete internal headframeIn the main inclineLarge stopes in the main incline
Stal formations on the floorStopesThe main incline in Udias
Part of the manway out of the deeper sectionsNatural cave and formationsGoing round ore chutes
More of the manwayBridgeWorking up through the mine
Walking passageThe small steep incline to the middle levelThe small steep incline to the middle level
Swiss cheese!Doug surveying near the middle entranceRemains of a wooden barrel
DougSurveyingThe middle entrance
Moving on to the upper entranceStopes and a railway levelMore levels
Remains of a wooden winchAnother winchBasket in a blind heading
Approaching the top entranceMore stopes near the surfaceOpen works
Open worksOpen worksLenny's cave
FormationsAt the faceLiz
BillPete CPete O'N
Walk to cave 489Looking over the valley outside 489Team picture
Liz in the entranceBill puts some flowers in remembrance of RoyFine cattle
Pete pretending to be a Dales farmerPoseur

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