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Smallcleugh Mine, Nenthead

Date(s): 18th September 2022 - Written by: Nigel Dibben - Location: NY 78763 42982

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This trip was arranged for the day after Pete's birthday perty at Garrigill. Despite the late night before, 12 of us were up in time to get to Nenthead, park and change before 12 midday! After a 360 degree photo by Olly, we were off up the hill, stopping briefly to walk up the tail-race tunnel to the waterwheel pit.
At the entrance to Smallcleugh, there was a team photo with the COMRU wagon making a useful camera stand and then we got going underground. Pete and James were leading and (roughly) the route seems to have been to go first to the horse whim, near the entrance, then along the flats ending at Ballroom Flat. Here we had a brief break before moving on through deep water (thigh deep or waist deep depending on who you ask) and a couple of tight pebbly squeezes which Callum was good enough to enlarge for the rest of us.
Up a couple of ore chutes and down another took us to Barron's Sump where we ooh'd and aah'd at the immense height of the chamber. Here another break was taken and then it was planned that most of would drop down Proud's Sump and out of Rampgill. Sadly, the passage we were following and which we thought had been made passable a couple of weeks before - was not. So it was back to Hetherington's crosscut and through some of the flats until we got back onto the main route. By now it was really getting a bit late for the through trip so we got out to the surface at just after 5. Back down to the cars didn't take long and then it was all about saying goodbye as we each went our separate ways home.

I should add that the party in Garrigill the night before went on until well after midnight and a great time was had by all. The album contains some pictures from this as well as pictures from the trip.
Picture 1: Team photo before we went in

Team photo before we went in

Type of entry: Mining

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