The Club, in common with most others, tries to keep a reasonable record of its activities. Many members keep their own diaries and logs and of course photos proliferate these days, especially since the advent of digital cameras. There are also a number of websites designed to enable sharing of photos and experiences, such as flickr, facebook, and so on.
Within the DCC website, we have provided access to members to past newsletters, to the public to recent newsletters and there has been a trip log for some years. Recently, a photo album was added.
From this page, you can get access to view the Club logs and albums but you need to be a member to add to them. Members can click HERE to go to the reports and albums section in the members' area of the site (you will need to enter your password).
Non-members are not totally barred from adding material to the site, there is an area for past-members to add their recollections and pictures or you can email to the Webmaster who will add material if it is suitable.
Although reports may be available on the website, it is intended that they will be used in full or edited form to go into future newsletters and journals. Only this way can we be sure of a (nearly) permanent record.