DCC website


WHITE SCAR, Yorkshire

The following is a note from Tony Brocklebank of Preston, a DCC member:

White Scar Cave - Great Rift Extension (1997?)
Following the main streamway through White Scar a point is reached just before the sumps where the water issues from an enlarged bedding plane.  At this point the Great Rift heads off to the left, with dimensions similar to the main streamway, and is assumed to be the original route of the stream, although it is now dry.
The Great Rift ends at a steep climb upwards, the rift at this point being around seventy to eighty feet high, with a good draught.  Over the course of more than twenty trips an extension of around a hundred and twenty feet was made, ending at a small chamber around twenty feet in length and six feet high.
Despite further work assisted by members of the Earby Pothole Club and numerous others progress slowed and eventually stopped, not so much due to the difficulty of digging but to the long slog in through the streamway and the difficulty of removing spoil.  The dig is in heavy, thick mud throughout which within minutes envelopes the diggers in a two to three inch deep coating, and tends to knacker even the fittest of diggers (which we often weren't!).
The dig is around a mile from the sinks (Quaking Pot area) and four hundred feet below them.  The potential is therefore considerable but if you fancy resuming the project be prepared for a long slog!
If anyone works out how to lift water from the streamway a hundred feet to the top of the rift we could wash it out in no time - let me know.