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White Scar Cave

Date(s): 9th January 2011 - Written by: Nigel Dibben - Location: SD 712 745

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Nigel DibbenAfter an abortive attempt to go into White Scar towards the end of 2010 when the heavens opened, a fresh attempt was made in January. The first signs were not good as the weather was cold, wet and slushy but the cave had not been adversely affected to the trip went ahead. In all, there were 18 DCC members and friends plus Sue who came to the end of the show cave to see us off. Simon coming out of Big BerthaStepping back a bit, the first challenge was changing in the snowy car park followed by getting Bill out of bed in time to make the numbers up to 18. Bill made the mistake of changing in range of Colin's snowballs but survived. At about 11, we were able to go in en masse through the show cave and into the cold water of the swimming section. This kept most people quiet and made them cold before we warmed up again going through Big Bertha. The last time I went through here was 35 years ago and I don't even remember the squeezes - this time my ribs were still remembering them two weeks later!After the boulder choke, we had a bit of a breather and then on towards the end of the stream cave. Traversing in the streamwaySome turned back at around Carrot Hall and others carried on a bit further.We were a bit more spread out as we came out but most people surfaced quite close together and we soon got changed in the fresh cold air. Somehow, it didn't seem so cold by now! Anyway, this was enough of discomfort so we all headed down to the Marton Arms to relive the best bits of the trip and to plan the next. There were a number of potential new members on the trip as well as at least one miner who had very rarely been in a natural cave before. All in all, it was a good trip in good company and made a good start to the year underground. There are a range of pictures in the Club album, just click HERE.
Picture 1: The car park at 10 in the morning

The car park at 10 in the morning
Picture 2: Simon coming out of Big Bertha

Simon coming out of Big Bertha
Picture 3: Traversing in the streamway

Traversing in the streamway

Type of entry: Caving

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