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Shuttleworth Pot, Yorkshire.

Date(s): 19th October 2014 - Written by: Tom Howard - Location: SD6621479777

This was an Earby led trip for if you didn't recognise members' names.

Shuttleworth Pot - 19th October 2014.
Post Earby PC Dinner trip. After a jolly night spent in the Red Lion, Settle. We were up and ready for utilising the permit (Yes, that's right, a permit!) for Shuttleworth pot up on Leck Fell. Until 1997 it was only accessible by divers and what lay beyond the waters of Witches cave was something that everybody should see at least twice! As most of us stayed in or around Clapham bunkhouse, we met for breakfast in the café at the reasonable time of 10 and after a mug or two of tea, a cooked breakfast and another mug of tea we set off for the fell. Stuart led, being the responsible permit holder and rigged with Kenny whilst Tony followed, fag in hand of course. Then Hilda, Pete and Tom. Pete, it's worth mentioning made the schoolboy error of leaving his SRT kit at home and therefore was doing it minimalistic using a borrowed harness and stop. He would worry about the ascent back out afterward. Mo followed me with Bob and we all met again at the bottom of the main pitch/ the top of the divers pitch. Whilst the last few tackled the rebelays and dropped down to us I took the opportunity to get the camera out. We moved on through a low section into the rest of the cave which happened to get better as we progressed to find calcite curtain formations, gour pools, helictites and hundreds of calcite straws! Anyway. We took pictures, gawped at formations, had a chat and headed back up on out leaving Kenny and Stuart to de-rig and meet us at the top. Lastly, with any trip report must come a weather report and time check:-
On entry: Weather - Dull but dry, not much wind. 1130(ish)
On exit: Weather - Dull, Side on rain, strong wind and a little bit chilly.

1746. Back to Bunkhouse to catch last orders and wish Sue and Simon a good holiday and then off home. Thanks all for a great trip, and especially Stuart for organising us with a p***it. Tom.

Type of entry: Caving

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